About KVK
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi granted its sanction for establishment of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra for Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh under DKVAAS (Deendayal Krishi Vikas Avam Anusandhan Samiti), Bhopal (M.P.) in August 2003. However the actual implementation of its programmes could be started during March, 2004 after recruitment of staff. Before launching its programmes and activities, a Benchmark survey (Participatory Rural Appraisal) of the selected villages of different blocks was done to make a socio-economic appraisal and to understand the existing practices of the farmers and adoption of villages. This enabled the KVK to identify the requirements of the farmers and critical needs as well as technological gaps. This formed the basis for training needs, front line demonstration and on-farm testing by the KVK. Simultaneously for the strengthening of training-cum-demonstration the farm development and infrastructure work was also started.
Apart from conducting demonstrations, trainings & trials various innovative approaches were undertaken as forming various farmers interest groups and self help groups. The farmers interest group is an informal group of self experimenting farmers that provides an opportunity for sharing their innovations and practices among themselves. Further the KVK started the Innovative Farm Women's self help groups for involvement of farm women in the dissemination of various technological intervention at faster rate.
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raisen has several activities like conducting vocational trainings, In-Service trainings, Rural youth trainings in various disciplines, conducting frontline demonstration (FLDs) of proven technologies on farmers fields in oilseeds, pulses, cereals, horticultural crops and Agriculture engineering etc. It has a programme of On-farm testing (OFT) of technologies on farmers fields and collecting feed back for refinement. The KVK has excelled in bringing the modern technological packages at the farmers doorstep with the help of various instructional units like CIAE, Bhopal etc. It actively participates in extension activities like Agricultural exhibitions, field days, seminars, Kisan Melas and also contributes in mass Media like All India Radio, Doordarshan and others TV programmes, publishing popular articles and Extension Literature like folders, booklets, technical reports etc.
The KVK is situated at village Naktara at Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh, located 56 kms away from Bhopal and 16 kms away from Raisen town on NH-86, Raisen Sagar Road .