Mela: Through
the Kisan Mela the farmers get interaction with scientists which helps
for transfer of new agriculture technologies in different areas. Farmers get
acquainted with latest and recent developments in agriculture sector.
Farmers-Scientist-Extension workers discussion is an important feature of Field
Day. |
Sangosthi: KVK
arranges farmers meet from time to time for discussion to a group of farmers,
Scientist replies are given to the
queries of farmers about current issues, crop problems, or other
agricultural activity. |
Show: Film
and CD show of a recommended package of practice of different Agricultural and
allied field plays an important role in transfer of agriculture technology among
a group of farmers. After watching a
particular technique/method and guidance of KVK Scientist farmers can adopt that
beneficial practice. |
Exhibition: KVK conduct exhibitions on different themes for dissemination of new technologies, to increase their knowledge and interest about agriculture information/technique. |
Farmers Visit Farmers
visit to KVK and its instructional farm, Demonstration Plots/Units and information centre for acquiring knowledge about
latest agricultural practices & to solve their queries. KVK Scientists also visit to farmers field
to solve
their problems. |
Literature: Extension literature in the form of leaflets, pamphlets,
bulletins and articles etc. is prepared, printed by the KVK. |
Health Checkup camp: KVK conducts Animal Health Checkup & Vaccination Camps in which animal treatment & vaccination is done. Apart from this Animal Husbandry trainings is given which guides farmers for Deworming, Vaccination time and information to prevent seasonal diseases to Livestock. |
Articles in News Paper/ Magazines: The
popular articles of KVK scientists are published in Agriculture News Paper and
Talk Programme: Radio and TV talk plays a major role in dissemination of agriculture and allied technologies among the farming community through mass communication. All the technical staff (SMS) of the KVK prepare programmes on different agriculture topics & give answers to farmers questions in Q&A session. The programmes are telecasted on Doordarshan and ETv Madhya Pradesh channels & broadcasted on All India Radio. |