Crop Planning


Problems identified for low growth rate

Possible technological options for achieving targeted growth rate of the 12th Plan Period

Priorities of the technological options

Mention the schemes/programmes already operated in your district to achieve the targeted growth rate


 1 Adoption of long duration variety which is not escape


1. Variety JS 95-60, JS 9305



2. Variety JS 95-60, JS 9305


Varietal replacement through state seed deptt.

 2 Traditional sowing method

1 Ridge and furrow method

1 Ridge and furrow method


 3.Heavy incidence of girdle beetle



1 Non judicious use of pesticide

1 Non judicious use of pesticide


Use of Trizophos @ 800ml/ha

 Use of Trizophos @ 800ml/ha

Use of Trizophos @ 800ml/ha


 4. long dry spell during crop growth period

1 Ridge and furrow method

1 Ridge and furrow method




Problems identified for low growth rate

Possible technological options for achieving targeted growth rate of the 12th Plan Period

Priorities of the technological options

Mention the schemes/programmes already operated in your district to achieve the targeted growth rate

Black gram

 1 Adoption of old variety

1 Variety IPU 94-1, PU-30

1 Variety IPU 94-1, PU-30

Varietal replacement through state seed deptt.

 2 Heavy incidence of yellow mosaic virus

1. Resistant variety

1. Resistant variety


 3.Heavy incidence of girdle beetle



1 Non judicious use of pesticide

1 Non judicious use of pesticide


2. Use of Imidachloprid @ 5ml/15 l water

2. Use of Imidachloprid @ 5ml/15 l water

OFT/ FLD conducting by KVK



Problems identified for low growth rate

Possible technological options for achieving targeted growth rate of the 12th Plan Period

Priorities of the technological options

Mention the schemes/programmes already operated in your district to achieve the targeted growth rate


1 Adoption of old variety Lok-1

1 Irrigated: GW-273, GW 322,GW-366,

Late Sown: MP 4010

1 Irrigated: GW-273, GW 322,GW-366,

Late Sown: MP 4010

Varietal replacement through state seed deptt.


2. High seed rate


1.100Kg /ha for timely sowing and 125kg for late sowing

1.100Kg /ha for timely sowing and 125kg for late sowing


3 Imbalanced use of fertilizer

1. 120:60:40:5 NPK and Zn + Azato + PSB

1. 120:60:40:5 NPK and Zn + Azato + PSB


4 Heavy incidence of weed and Termite

1. And seed treatment with Chloropyriphos @ 5.0 ml/kg seed


2. And seed treatment with Chloropyriphos @ 5.0 ml/kg seed





Problems identified for low growth rate

Possible technological options for achieving targeted growth rate of the 12th Plan Period

Priorities of the technological options

Mention the schemes/programmes already operated in your district to achieve the targeted growth rate


1 Adoption of old variety JG-315

1variety: JG-130, JG-11, JG-16 and JG 6

1variety: JG-130, JG-11, JG-16 and JG 6

Varietal replacement through state seed deptt.

2 Heavy incidence of Pod borer and wilt disease

1 Crop rotation

1 Crop rotation


2 Seed treatment with Trichderma and Vitavax

2 Seed treatment with Trichderma and Vitavax

Demonstration conducting by KVK

3 Use of quinalphos @ 1.5 l/ha

3 Use of quinalphos @ 1.5 l/ha




Problems identified for low growth rate

Possible technological options for achieving targeted growth rate of the 12th Plan Period

Priorities of the technological options

Mention the schemes/programmes already operated in your district to achieve the targeted growth rate


1 Adoption of old and local variety

1 Variety

1 Variety

Varietal replacement through state seed deptt.

2 Heavy incidence of wilt aphid

1 Crop rotation

1 Crop rotation


2 Seed treatment with Trichoderma and Vitavax

2 Seed treatment with Trichoderma and Vitavax


3 Use of Imidachloprid @ 5 ml/15 l water for aphid

3 Use of Imidachloprid @ 5 ml/15 l water for aphid